Thellion Inc. Apps

Instructor Notes 1.1
Thellion Inc.
Instructor Notes is progressiveeducationthinking! This is an application that will allow studentsto viewnotes of many subjects that they are studying from not justone butmany teachers around the world and understand the topicswell.Instructor Notes are personal knowledge tidbits created byteacherswho are dedicated in enhancing knowledge. Allowing teacherstoshare their notes to students all around the globe willhelpenhance the overall knowledge of the world. Our goal is tobring inas many teachers as we can so they can post their notesthat goespublic after review to be viewed and used by students allaroundthe world.Instructors will be able to upload their notes via our webbasedportal --> the notes will be reviewed by our contentexpertschecking for plagiarism and offensive content --> uponapproval,the notes will be formatted to fit both web browser aswell asmobile devices.Students will be able to view the notes on web browsers ontheirlaptops or desktop machines as well as mobiledevicesconveniently.More features are coming to create an interactive modebetweeninstructors and students in the next version oftheapplication.
EPEAQ: Employee Productivity 1.2.0
Thellion Inc.
EPEAQ is an employee work andproductivitymanagement application where you can track day to daytasks,ratings, attendance, and overall productivity. The appallowsemployees to rate each other based on their performance, ratethequality of work, pat on the back for a good job done and more.Theapp also allows the employees to communicate via securemessagingfeature as well as add comments to tasks and ratings.The application offers the following major features:ProfileManagement, Project/Tasks Management, Ratings Management,PresenceManagement, Team, Organization, and Group Management,Messaging,Productivity Analytic Features, and Intra-CompanyProfessionalNetworking Features. All these features are secure andprivate.This application allows employees to track their day todaytasks, presence, rate colleagues on their quality of work andoverall performance, and communicate with others employees witheaseand simplicity. A simple app to communicate and connect withotheremployees that builds strong working relationship, empowersthem toperform well and get better in their profession. Informationissecure and allows the employees to make all or part of it aspublicor private.On the other hand, employers will be able to tracktheproductivity, efficiency, and quality of their employees torewardthem as needed. The solution offers employers to trackemployeework behavior using the Analytics and make sure the systemand theprocess they have is efficient and provides a motivating andgrowthoriented platform to employees. This is an application thatwillbring everyone in the organization together to motivate eachotherby tracking and watching everyone's productivity.Apart from Mobile interface, the solution comes withwebinterface as well where all functions can be performedwithease.To experience the features this solution offers, usethefollowing credentials:Username: [email protected]: pass123Domain: (This is already set by default)